
* *注意* *  

庆祝节日, 从周五开始,利昂县治安官办公室将不会发布或执行任何占有令, 12月22日, 2023年,到周二结束, 12月26日, 2023.  

然而, writs may still be dropped off at our Civil Unit office at 313 S. 卡尔豪圣. 正常营业时间内. 我们将在2023年12月27日(星期三)恢复服务时,在收到的订单中进行处理.  

We thank you for your patience and understanding. 


The Sheriff has no authority to demand payment on judgments or liens. 法律要求他征收和出售具体描述的财产,以满足所发出的执行令.

一旦利昂县警长办公室收到所需文件和你的定金, a deputy will be sent to take possession of the listed property. 一旦财产得到担保, 我们将准备一份《最新威尼斯安卓版下载》,在《最新威尼斯安卓版下载》上连续刊登4周, 当地报纸.

Once the sale date has arrived, a deputy will conduct the sale. The sale is a public auction to the highest bidder for cash-in-hand only. No checks, money orders, or credit cards are accepted as payment. Should the highest bidder not have the cash in hand, the second highest bidder wins the bid at their bid price. 请注意,没有最低出价.

原告或其代表有机会在拍卖中采用信用投标. This means that you can bid up to the amount of your judgment, 迄今为止所有应计利息及征费, 还有500美元.00 liquidation fee, without producing any money. 如果你是出价最高的人,那么你的出价金额将从判决中扣除. 然而, all costs will be deducted from your deposit. 如果你出价超过判决的金额,那么你将负责在出售时产生必要的现金金额 . 你应该不这样做吗, then the second highest bidder will be offered the property at their bid price. 建议所有原告出席拍卖,以保护他们的利益.


Should the defendant wish to satisfy the judgment, they can contact this office to obtain a current payoff amount. This amount will include the judgment, all accrued interest to date, the $500.00 liquidation fee, and all costs incurred from your deposit. 被告付清全部款项后,立即取消买卖,并将物业归还被告. 如果被告希望直接付款,请在正常工作时间内与本办公室联系, 厘定至今的征款成本.


  • 执行令状正本. This can be obtained from the same court that issued your judgment.
  • 征费说明. This document is required to direct the Sheriff, 以书面形式, to levy upon specifically described property; provide defendant’s residence address, 工作地点, 律师的记录, 如果有任何. This document is also required to have a "hold harmless" clause per FSS 30.30.
  • 存款. 佛罗里达州最高法院裁定,治安官应要求预付保证金,以支付与处理处决有关的所有费用,否则,如果未支付,他个人应对这些费用负责. 我们目前的存款金额如下:
    • 汽车: $1700.00
    • 船: $1600.00
    • 房地产: $600.00

12月1日生效st 我们的存款金额如下: 

  • 汽车: $2,000.00
  • 船: $2,000.00
  • 房地产: $2,000.00

For levy on other personal property, contact this office for cost deposits. The cost to levy upon personal property other than motor vehicles, 船, 或者房地产是2美元,000.00. 上述按金是根据过往征费所需的成本计算,不可讨价还价. These deposit amounts are subject to change without notice, please contact this office for current deposit amounts.


We require an affidavit as defined in Florida Statute 56.27:(4)

在第5条规定的出售通知首次公布或张贴之日或之前. 56.21, 征债人对判决债务人,应提出誓章,载明下列事项:

(a)一份证明,证明征收债权人已经审查了根据第6条建立的数据库或判决留置权记录. 55.201 55.(二)经审查的宣誓书所载资料真实、正确;

(b)第5条所要求的资料. 55.203(1) and (2) for each judgment lien certificate indexed under the name of the judgment debtor as to each judgment creditor; the file number assigned to the record of the original and, 如果有任何, the second judgment lien; and the date of filing for each judgment lien certificate under s. 55.202或s. 55.204(3); and

(c)一份声明,说明征收债权人没有进行任何其他征收,或, 如果另一项征费正在进行中, 征收债权人善意地认为被执行财产的总价值不超过未判决的数额.

这是一份格式自由的宣誓书. In order to avoid undue delays in the execution and levy process, we require this affidavit be filed in our office prior to levy. Additionally please provide a copy of your judgment lien certificate.

机动车辆, 船和其他水上工具, we require a printout from the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. 您可以拨打850-617-2000与DHSMV联系. 对于房地产, 我们需要里昂县法院书记员出具的退出索赔或担保契约的认证副本, 记录办公室. You can contact the Clerk of the Court at 850-577-4030. 从任何其他来源(例如.e. internet searches) is not considered legal proof and will not be accepted.

请注意,你须直接负责征费过程中产生的所有费用. 如果该物业以足够的价格出售,你的全部押金将退还给你. 然而, 房产的售价是否应该足以支付所有费用和治安官的费用, the remainder will be deducted from your deposit.

The levy process is not guaranteed to be successful. 再一次, 我们强烈鼓励原告或其代表出席拍卖,以保护他们的利益.

在第一次出版日期之前, 原告被要求发送, 通过挂号信寄给被告, 治安官卖地公告的副本, 治安官征召通知, and the aforementioned affidavit pursuant to F.S. 56.27. The 2 Notices will be provided to you by this office.

Any property owned by a defendant is subject to levy, with the exception of real property protected by homestead exemption. 财产 held in the name of multiple parties (i.e. John Doe and Jane Doe) is not subject to levy when judgment is against only one, 或者一些, 业主的. 然而, property registered in an or fashion (i.e. 约翰·多伊或简·多伊)可能被征收,即使判决只列出一个人.

机动车辆, 其他个人财产和不动产, 如果被征收, 是否受所有现有留置权的约束, and potential buyers will be notified of this prior to sale.

A $500.如果被告选择在出售前履行执行,将向被告收取00美元的清算费. In the event that the sale proceeds, this fee will be deducted from the sale amount. This amount goes to the levying plaintiff/creditor. This liquidation fee does not count towards satisfaction of the judgment.

The bidding is open to the general public (including the defendant), with the exception of 利昂县警长’s Office employees or their relatives.

The 利昂县警长’s Office does not put levies on hold, unless some clarification is needed from the court in order to proceed. If you request that we stop a levy and cancel the sale, all paperwork and the remainder of the deposit will returned to you.




